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Who is the ideal MYEC coach?

The ideal MyEC coach is a fun, flexible professional teacher whose vocation and purpose is teaching English. They give their whole heart to the process and will go out of their way to support students in achieving their goals and are committed to being an active member of our team.

People who have strong interpersonal skills and quickly adapt to the needs of their students make superior coaches. In our experience, while degrees and certifications are important, a responsible, energetic, and patient nature is what makes MyEC coaches stand above the rest. 

We are looking for people who:

• Have a minimum of 3 years English teaching experience •

• Are highly qualified (CELTA certified, a degree in teaching, Masters Degree, etc) •

• Have a Native or Proficient (C2) English level •

• Value community and social responsibility •

• Are dedicated, empathetic and passionate •

• Recognize the importance of professional growth •

• Are open to improving weaknesses and leveraging strengths •

Interested in coaching with us?

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